
Welcome to Pearl Oyster Opening! It’s a blast and very entertaining. Every show has a theme. TONIGHTS THEME IS - Bloom Where You Are Planted! Fun guys and gals are always shucking and viewing each show. Join the fun and and order for tonight’s live party! Turn on your notifications as soon as possible. Play her fun games and win great custom made pearl jewelry weekly. No two pieces are alike.

Learn about the different types of oysters and color variations.
Order now for Thursdays show! We will open any bought oysters the Thursday after they are purchased. It’s a blast and Trish Mothershucker drills and sets custom jewelry pieces of all designs.



Welcome to a NEW live pearl oyster opening party!! Going live at 6:30pm mst every Thursday night.

You will love it and remember Buyers giveaways are at 9:30 pm mst

Trish MS,  Dj Dave and Christine 

LETS put Positive vibes in the air by having a fun loving friendship kind of show!!!

Welcome to our NEW online Store! A few changes need to be made. Please be patient with us.

Let’s get started! First pick out your choice of oysters you would love to open. Then message Trish ( me) on the date you need them opened.  Browse the store for any jewelry you would love to purchase. Reminder most everything is custom so you must use the messaging box upon check out. I will get back with you with all custom orders to make sure your pearls are placed accurately in your desired jewelry. Please also PM her after every show on her Facebook page with any questions. 

Please note it could take up to two weeks for custom jewelry orders. 

Thank you, 

Trish MS 

Titanic Openings

Heart Openings

Wishing Upon A Star Openings

Mini Monster Openings

Unique Oyster Openings

Custom Jewelry
